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2015-04-24 09:32来源:福建自考网


一 选择题
1-5         C     C     A    D    B
6-10              C     B     D    D    A

11-15     B     B     D    C     A
16-20     A    C     D    A    D
21-25     A    A    B     C     B
26-30     B     C     A    D    B
31-35     A    D    B     D    C
36   lung
37   approval
38   confuse
39   moreover
40   staff
41   facial
42   entirely
43   destroy
44   transmit
45   occupy
46   contrast
47   image
48   interact
49   adult
50   marked
51   hobby
52   policy
53   nowadays
54   shelter
55   custom
56   height
57   curiosity
58   meaningful
59   lengthen
60   yearly
61   conclusion
62   inefficient
63   limited
64   unknown
65   useless
66   His sales plan has not got the permission of the manager yet.
67   real life is more complex than we imagine (it is).
68   In this problem, it is difficult to find a person who has the same opinion as you have.
69   Research shows that heavy drinkers are more likely to have heart disease.
70   If we had been more careful, this kind of mistakes could have been avoided.
71   今日的明星享受着以前皇室家庭成员所享有的生活。无论他们到哪里,都有成千上万的人出来迎接。见到那些面带微笑,衣着光鲜的明星,人们会发狂。他们的照片经常出现在报刊上,他们的各种活动都能及时得到报道,就像关于国王或王后的消息一样。当然,明星也有许多像王室成员那样的诸多不便。对他们来说,没有做好计划就出现在公众面前是危险的。必须有人始终保护他们,以避免他们的崇拜者靠他们太近。他们不再是个人,而是现代社会中的重要的公众人物。

